Bishop and Aven

Bishop and Aven
two peas in a pod

Sunday, August 15, 2010

goodbye skylar and malaki

saturday night, 8/14/10 we all went to tia cris's house for a farewell dinner ;0(  summer is over and malaki and skylar are going back to conneticut....tia cris cooked some good good food!we celebrated jake's 1st bday!!!!but someone was not to be found at the birthday party!!!!  bishop wanted to get in the "ocean" in the back yard ;(  it was dark and no one was there so when he had to come inside he was not so happy.....but we are so thankful for chocolate cake!  chocolate makes everything better.....
look at skylar's "real hair"....

of course aven was all was such a good night but it was so sad saying good bye to our cousins :0(

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