Bishop and Aven

Bishop and Aven
two peas in a pod

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8/10/10 perrin's first night at home

well.....let's should we start about tonight?????  we came over to abuelita and abuelito's house to see cousin perrin, since today is the first day she came home and, it was a FUN night.....
big brother bishop takes such good care of aven and gives her plenty of kisses.....
he gives her toys when she starts to fuss......then little "pecan" perrin showed up!!!after we said hello to her, it was time for the gymnastics show to begin!  why do we pay for gymnastics when we can just go to grandpa's house to do gymnastics???  bishop can teach everyone how to jump off of different things in the house!he will always give you good directions and tell you "good job" after you jump ;0)running and jumping takes a lot of skill, but at bishop's gym school, you will get it in no time1ok, now for tio dino's turn ..........."this is how you do it!"  "you have to put your hands inthe air"!now for the high beam......turned out to be a good show for everyone!!!! bravo!!! aven gave bishop a 10!

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