Bishop and Aven

Bishop and Aven
two peas in a pod

Saturday, July 31, 2010

piercing aven's ears

"AHHHH! it's been 10 weeks since aven's birth and we are getting her ears pierced at Claire's Boutique in First Colony Mall!  mom was so nervous but we had cream and sugar water to help the whole procedure.  aven was asleep at when we got there..........she marked the ears, cleaned them, and then went for it!she cried for a split second, opened her eyes a little and then went back to sleep!beautiful birthstone earrings for the little mama ;0)

1 comment:

  1. Was searching for my GF's blog and came across yours. Like you, I had our YDD ears pierced early too at 10-11 wks. This was a perfect age to pierce her ears. I admit that I love the look of little pierced ears on babies and little girls.

    I think you’re were a smart mommy for piercing your dd’s ears early. Admittedly, I know a lot of people have strong feelings when to pierce a child’s ear. “Let them decide” is being replaced by parental decision when mommy intuition knows, “earlier is better” from either personal or friend’s experiences of unpleasant childhood ear piercing. I think it just depends on your own personal choice whether or not you wish your baby or little girl to have pierced ears.

    Some feel perceived gender of their child is important while others find it a cultural tradition where all infant girls have pierced ears.Our oldest daughter just turned two and has never had an infection, pulled them out, and she’s never even played with her earrings (which is amazing in my book). My mom pierced my ears when I was 2 weeks old and I’ve loved it….I think earrings on little girls are so ingenue!

    Cerebrally, as mothers of girls of all ages, we know it celebrates their femaleness and femininity. After all, they are little girls, right? Growing up I remember many of my little
    girlfriends were not allowed to get their ears pierced.I could never understand it…but when
    their parents did finally let them, it always seemed they’d get infected because they
    were constantly touching them or trying to change out the earrings before they were supposed too.

    Many said it was painful, but all cried having a great deal of angst leading up to and including the actual ear piercing. To each their own but I think the earlier the easier. If we have another girl, I will pierce her
    ears early as well. I took my youngest DD at days old after I asked our pediatrician and
    she encouraged me to go ahead before she aware of her surrounding or developed a pincer grip to play with her ears. She gave me some suggestions for moms having their daughter’s ears pierced. They seem to apply to all ages.

    Just when is the best time to pierce your daughter’s ears? It is when you are ready to care for them during the healing phase. They are very easy to care for. If you decide to do it as a newborn or infant, then I promise she’ll thank you later!

    If anyone wants our ped’s tips, then don’t hesitate to write me an e-mail. Also if you have neysayers about how pretty your dd looks with earrings, write me for some rebuttal quips my sister and I put together.

