Bishop and Aven

Bishop and Aven
two peas in a pod

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

first day of pool school

First day of swim class! June 8th, 2010 - the 4:00 pm class 30 minutes for two weeks! How exciting to go to "pool school"! I was so excited to see a dolphin when I walked in! I had a pink token because ms. emily was my teacher and I so badly wanted a blue token ;0)

I was so ready to get in the water, I had no problem walking away from mom and dad....

Eagerly waiting for the door to open, I was the one of the smaller ones of the bunch, but I didn't notice that at all

Now I meet Ms. Emily and start my first lesson. I loved it, although I got in trouble from time to time for splashing the water. Don't they know I am not splashing, I am just pretending that my hands are orcas and sharks?

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