Bishop and Aven

Bishop and Aven
two peas in a pod

Saturday, July 31, 2010

hendrix's house

we went to hendrix's house today and this is how many fingers it takes to make 2 ;0)

while the boys played, aunt julie brought out a bunch of toys that baby preston is going to play with, and little aven had the most fun looking at herself in the mirror!  she must have thought she was very good looking ;0)

cousin noah loved all of the toys, especially the cars.......
aven had never been in a swing before, aunt julie put her in one, and game over, she loved it!  she just sat there so quiet, we forgot she was there, then before you knew it.........

she was asleep!
hendrix showed us all of his cool toys
and at the end of the night, aven got a bath in the kitchen sink, and that perked her up!  she was ready for round two!uncle bryan was looking out for the adults, and decided to run the boys to the ground so that they would sleep well....
he kept saying "super hero friends!"  and throw them up in the air!
too much fun for the boys, bishop now wants to live at hendrix's house ;o)

but before we go, we need to, "PUSH THE BUTTONS FOR THE TV!"

avacado time!!!!

7/31/10 aven is so excited today, because she is tasting REAL food for the first time!  her first breakfast of champions was AVOCADO! mmmmmm!  she loved loved loved it!she attacked the spoon every time she saw it!  put it in my mouth ;0)  sometimes she put too much in her mouth, but she figured it out and kept right on going!big brother seemed to be jealous that everyone was paying attention to aven, so he kept saying, "look at me! look at me!" and that is where this picture comes from ;0)

then bishop made dad hold both of the monkeys, and aven got a big kick out of pulling bishop's hair!

piercing aven's ears

"AHHHH! it's been 10 weeks since aven's birth and we are getting her ears pierced at Claire's Boutique in First Colony Mall!  mom was so nervous but we had cream and sugar water to help the whole procedure.  aven was asleep at when we got there..........she marked the ears, cleaned them, and then went for it!she cried for a split second, opened her eyes a little and then went back to sleep!beautiful birthstone earrings for the little mama ;0)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

happy birthday to bishop

happy birthday to me!  bishop turns 3!the night before bishop turned 3, we had a mini cousin reunion.  we all sang happy birthday and had a mini birthday cake.  everyone used silverware except for bishop!we are practicing how to hold up 3 fingers. ;0)

the morning of his actual birthday, he started the day by "taking a fishing trip"!  The red boat in our living room is the best boat to take you fishing.  bishop even has a "really strong fishing pole" ;0)aven was enjoying a nice, warm bottle while bishop was fishing.
later that evening our best bud, hendrix, came by to give bishop his present!  we all went to grimaldi's for the best pizza in town.  but of course the boys favorite thing about eating at grimaldi's is the water fountains.  did you know that orcas and sharks swim in those fountains???
after dinner, mmmmmm sweet gelato... of course we wanted "chlocate"sorry aven, in a few more months you will enjoy gelato too :0(hendrix kept aven company and gave her sweet kisses since she couldn't have any gelato!
lucky for the birthday boy, he got to spend an extra long time "looking at orcas and sharks" with hendrix since it was his birthday!and even better......... cousin noah came over in the morning to give him a special gift!
 wow!  a fishing game!  bishop loved it so much and goes fishing all the time now!