Bishop and Aven

Bishop and Aven
two peas in a pod

Friday, January 28, 2011

bishop's name

bishop's class is doing a project on names, and this was his first homework assignment!  he had to make an art piece with his name and bring to school a story of how his parents picked his name.  of course when bishop and mom went to micheal's to buy his materials for his homework, he picked everything he saw in the color blue!  he used blue glitter for his b, blue tiles for his i, blue paint for his s, a marker for his h, a blue star for his 0, and blue yarn for his p!  we all think his late uncle willy's spirit is alive in bishop! 
bishop and all of his friends sat together to share their stories and look at how they made his/her names........
bishop was so proud of the stars that he used, he kept talking about the stars ;0)
then the children started working on capital and lower case letters........
bishop's favorite letters right now are "bs" (funny hu?)
"so proud of my B"
the alphabet in the making
he loved when we pulled out the long alphabet and bishop and noah got to work writing all of their letters!  such a busy boy and doing so much at age 3 and 1/2

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