Bishop and Aven

Bishop and Aven
two peas in a pod

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


how cute are we??????????? noah the dinosaur, bishop the great white shark, hendrix the knight and aven the fairy!!!!!!
aven's favorite part of the night was eating grass.  She passed out after that, and didn't wake up until trick or treating was finished!
to see more of the fall festival and bishops costume click on our school's link.............

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

beautiful day for bubbles

fall is finally here and what a beautiful day it was to sit outside and blow bubbles!  mom got carried away and snapped some pictures of the two cutest children in the world!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

mud bath

watch out!  put noah and bishop together and you will have a mess!  Especially when they are not afraid of the teacher because the teacher is "mom" or "my aunt"!  it was parent's night out and maryam told the kids to stay out of the mud, everyone listened except for noah and bishop!!!
every once in a while bishop did try to clean himself off with a napkin.......but then just kept right on playing!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

bishop's creativity

bishop is doing so well in school right now, and he is really starting to create some art pieces that he is spending a lot of time on.  Here he is making a space is the space ship....of course he had to draw a grey shark for it, if you look closely, the gills and the teeth are all of the grey lines.  Then he wanted to spell spaceship, so he said he needed to make o's, see all of the green o's he made ;0)

He found these flowers and i asked him. "what do flowers need to grow?" he said, "grass!!!" lol
so here he painted grass for the flower, and he tried to put the flower in the grass.  when the glue didn't work he used tape....

top chef

looks like we might get a few gourmet meals from chef bishop in the future!  he took a cooking lesson from grandpa on how to cook fish!  i think he was slightly weirded out that there were real fish in front of him and we were putting seasonings and cooking them!he was totally fine with NOT touching it! ;0)he loved pointing out all of the parts of the fish! 
he helped season the fish and he put garlic, lemon, and parsley inside of them....
now if you ask him what you need to cook a fish, he will tell you, "salt, pepper, lemon, and trees" (trees aka parsley and cilantro!!!) lol